Real Choices Hawaii: Access for all, more choices for you.

The Real Choices website is made possible by two federally funded initiatives. The first is the Hawai`i Real Choices Partnership Project: Access for Consumer Choice Entry Support System (ACCESS), an almost $1.35 million grant awarded to the Hawai`i State Department of Human Services by the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services. The purpose of this grant is to provide the foundation for information and services for people with disabilities and those who have long term care needs through the development of a Single Entry Point (SEP) information system.

The second initiative is the Workforce Investment Partnership Project; at almost $400,000, this grant was awarded to the University of Hawai`i at Manoa - Center on Disability Studies by the Department of Labor – Employment and Training Administration. The focus of this project is to capitalize on the development of the SEP and advance the effectiveness of the Hawai`i One-stop Centers by providing an electronic infrastructure for the Workforce Investment partners.

Both grants are being administered by the University of Hawai`i at Manoa - Center on Disability Studies in collaboration with numerous State agencies including the Department of Human Services, the statewide Workforce Development Council, and the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.

Providing oversight is a unique and talented group of self-advocates and professionals from public and private sectors. Over half of the membership of the Governing Council is made up of people with disabilities or their representatives. The Governing Council is responsible for setting the vision and ensuring the achievement of all project goals.

Real Choices brings the values of personal choice and self-determination into practice. You are invited to participate by registering from our home page, by e-mailing [email protected], or by calling the Project Director, Rebecca Rude Ozaki at (808) 956-4126.

Friday, February 21, 2025