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Article: Guide to Employment for Job Seekers
Career Planning
Table of Contents
- Jobs and Careers
- Career Planning
- How To Find A Job
- How to Help Others Find a Job
- Job Accommodations
- Publicly Funded Employment Service Programs
- Self-Employment and Starting A Small Business
- Employment and Social Security
- Success Stories
Getting Help from a Career Counselor
Supported Employment
Customized Employment
Once you have learned about different types of jobs, you might find it helpful to try answering some questions that will help you figure out your interests and strengths. It would also be good to identify some types of jobs that might be a good match for you.
The Career Key
The Career Key is a free test to measure your skills, abilities, values, interests, and personality. You will need to answer a series of questions and based on the results of your test, you can identify promising careers and get accurate career information about them.
Getting Help from a Career Counselor
Another way to plan your career is to talk to a Career Counselor. Career counselors help people plan and make decisions related to their career goals. Career counselors are especially helpful for individuals with disabilities who are seeking employment. Career counselors can help an individual assess their interests and skills and evaluate their abilities. Career counselors can also help an individual find the training they need to get the job they want.
How do I find a career counselor?
National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)
There is a service available on the internet called Counselor Find that can help you find professional counselors in your area who are registered with the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC). Visit their site to find a career counselor near you.
Supported Employment
Individuals with disabilities can get career assistance with the help of a career counselor, vocational rehabilitation, and other similar services. A type of career assistance offered through these services is called supported employment. Supported employment enables people with disabilities who have not previously been successfully employed to work and contribute to society. Supported employment focuses on the individual needs and abilities of the employee and provides appropriate supports to help them successfully get and keep a job.
APSE-Network on Employment
The APSE is an international organization that works towards improving and expanding employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Membership in this organization allows individuals with disabilities and their service providers to network internationally with others in seeking supported employment opportunities.
Customized Employment
Customized employment is when an individual negotiates with an employer to provide an individualized service or product that benefits the company while drawing on the individual's strengths and abilities. This type of employment provides an advantage for people who struggle in the competitive job market because of limited skills or education, inadequate childcare or transportation, disabilities, culture, or language differences.
An example of customized employment is an individual with a learning disability who has an interest in office work but may have difficulty in performing some of the tasks. Through the help of a career counselor this individual is able to find a company that needs help with delivering packages and faxes, creating files, and collating packets of information. Because of the employment of this individual with disabilities, the company is able to run more efficiently and as a result makes more money.
Successful customized employment opportunities are based on four key principles:
Meeting the job seeker's individual needs and interests.
Using a personal representative (career counselor, employment specialist, job developer, etc.) to assist and potentially represent the individual.
Negotiating successfully with employers.
Building a system of ongoing supports for the job seeker.
The links listed below provide more information about customized employment and how it works.
National Center on Workforce and Disability
The National Center on Workforce and Disability provides information briefs about customized employment. Contained within these documents is information about the principles and indicators of customized employment, job seeker exploration, planning, and how to negotiate with employers.
Customized Employment
This website contains numerous information about customized employment. The resources address issues for both employees and employers.
Last Updated on 12/27/2017