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Article: Guide to Employment for Job Seekers

Jobs and Careers

Table of Contents
  1. Jobs and Careers
  2. Career Planning
  3. How To Find A Job
  4. How to Help Others Find a Job
  5. Job Accommodations
  6. Publicly Funded Employment Service Programs
  7. Self-Employment and Starting A Small Business
  8. Employment and Social Security
  9. Success Stories

Information about Jobs and Careers
Employment Information for Seniors
Employment Information for Youth


A part of being independent often times means being able to work and earn money. Finding employment can be difficult for individuals with disabilities, but it is possible. Many employment options are available for those who have limitations through accommodations in the workplace, customized employment, and micro-enterprise.


An individual seeking employment needs to review the strengths that will benefit an employer. Sometimes individuals with a disability may need further training or education to get the job that they want. Through one-stop centers, different federal mandates like the Workforce Investment Act and vocational rehabilitation programs, individuals with low-income and/or disabilities are given the opportunity to obtain the skills they need in order to find the type of employment they are seeking.

This portion of the Guide to Employment offers information on a variety of topics to help individuals with and without disabilities find gainful employment and become contributing citizens. If you have not yet decided on the kind of job you want, there are two steps that can help you in the process:

  1. Find out more about what kinds of jobs and careers there are and the skills and training needed to qualify for them.
  2. Find out about your interests and skills and what kinds of jobs might be best for you.


Information about Jobs and Careers


The first step in deciding what type of job you want is to learn about what kinds of jobs are available. In learning about different careers, you may want to take note of the skills and training that are needed to quality for the job. The links below have information on different jobs and careers along with tools that can help you learn more about employment options.

Career Info Net
Career Info Net is a national website that has information about careers and employment opportunities. On their site you will find career tools that can help you find a job, write a resume, and learn about the labor market in different states/countries, along with educational resources for career training.

This site has information about jobs, career education, college, self-employment, and other career services.

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Employment Information for Seniors


Many companies value workers who have experience and have spent time in a given field. The job market can be a rewarding place for seniors who have such experience. However, with the dynamics of the labor market changing everyday, additional skills and training may be required to stay competitive in employment. The links below are especially for seniors who are seeking employment or seeking a change in employment. The resources on these sites help individuals evaluate their interests and skills in order to qualify for the type of job they may want.

The American Association of Retired Persons
If you are over 50, you may find it more difficult to get a job. One important strategy is to focus your job search on the fastest growing careers and jobs. For more information and support for older workers, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) provides information about changing careers, age discrimination as well as information about how to find jobs.

Diversity World
Diversity World also has links to resources for career development, information about age discrimination and job banks for experienced workers.


Employment Information for Youth


There are many employment opportunities for youth, and more specifically for youth with disabilities. During the teenage years individuals have the chance to seek out options for different career paths. It is during this time that internships, apprenticeships, mentorships, and other employment opportunities allow youth to gain skills and realize their interests. The links below have information about summer jobs, career options, and information for youth with disabilities.

Social Security Online Work Site
If you are looking for a summer job, wondering what to do after high school or are just ready to think ahead about your career, there are some resources that might be very helpful for you and your family. The Social Security Online Work Site provides information regarding youth in transition from school to work.

National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability (NCWD)
The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability (NCWD) provides information about employment issues for youth and family members.

Connecting to Success
Connecting to Success is an electronic mentoring program focusing on youth with disabilities.

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Last Updated on 12/27/2017

Thursday, January 23, 2025