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Article: Guide To Education

Learning Disabilities

Table of Contents
  1. Teacher Education Requirements & Resources
  2. Funding Education
  3. Parents and School
  4. Private Education
  5. Public Education
  6. Life after High School
  7. Special Education
  8. Students
  9. Learning Disabilities

Central Auditory Processing Disorder

In general, the term Learning disability (LD) covers a range of conditions that affect an individual's ability to learn new information. Limitations can show up in many ways such as difficulty with spoken or written language, self-control, attention span, and coordination.

Council for Learning Disabilities (CLD)
The Council for Learning Disabilities is an international organization that promotes effective teaching and research. CLD is composed of professionals who represent diverse disciplines. They are committed to enhancing the education and lifespan of individuals with learning disabilities.

LD Online
LD Online is a resource for persons with disabilities and their families. This site offers helpful information in a number of areas.


Dyslexia is a learning disability that often causes difficulty in reading, writing and spelling. It can also affect short-term memory, mathematics skills, concentration, personal organization, and sequencing. The causes of dyslexia are generally believed to be neurological in origin and the disability tends to run in families. Environmental factors may also cause this condition. Dyslexia is NOT a direct result of poor motivation, emotional disturbance, sensory impairment or lack of opportunities. It can occur at any level of intellectual ability or economic status. The characteristics of dyslexia can largely be overcome by using different learning strategies.

The International Dyslexia Association
The International Dyslexia Association maintains a website for educators, college students, children, teens, and parents. This site gives an overview of dyslexia. It also provides information on conferences, and the latest in research.

44 Characteristics Of A Potential Dyslexic
This page is a checklist of 44 symptoms often resulting from dyslexia.

About Dyslexia And Reading Problems
This online book is a great resource for both parents and teachers of dyslexic children.  It includes an overview of dyslexia and its causes along with teaching strategies to improve reading level and to help students overcome spatial problems.

Dyscalculia is a learning disability closely associated with Dyslexia.  Dyscalculia is a disorder with numbers and math instead of with words and letters.  This site outlines symptoms, resources and classroom techniques for teachers.

Dyslexia Training Institute
The Dyslexia Training Institute is a national organization that specializes in the assessment and teaching of people with disabilities.

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ADD is a neurobiological disorder often caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Many people use the term ADD as a generic term for all types of AD/HD. According to professionals in the field, whether we call it ADD or AD/HD, we are basically referring to the same thing.

Those who suffer from ADD typically have the following symptoms:

  • Problems following through on instructions
  • Difficulty paying attention
  • Seem to not listen
  • Disorganized
  • Poor handwriting skills
  • Tend to miss details
  • Have trouble starting tasks or keeping on track with those tasks that require planning or long-term effort
  • Appears to be easily distracted or forgetful
  • Fidgety
  • Verbally impulsive

It is important to remember that not all people with ADD will have all of these symptoms, and not all people with these symptoms will have ADD.

ADDA or Attention Deficit Disorder Association
ADDA is a membership organization that helps people with AD/HD. Its focus is on education, research, and public advocacy related to AD/HD. The website contains information on all these topics along with a listing of professional and local support groups.

CHADD, or Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
CHADD is an organization with over 20,000 members worldwide. It serves individuals with AD/HD. It does this through collaborative leadership, advocacy, research, education and support. The website provides information on education, employment, disability benefits, resources, advocacy, legislation, and health insurance.

National Resource Center on AD/HD
The National Resource Center on AD/HD is a website sponsored by CHADD. This website includes information on AD/HD, diagnosis and treatment information, how to deal with systems, and other educational issues.

National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDD)
The NCBDD shares valuable information on helping children with ADD form healthy peer relationships.

Central Auditory Processing Disorder

Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) is not a hearing loss but a "physical hearing impairment" where individuals are unable to recognize or understand sounds. Audiologist Frank Musiek says that Central Auditory Processing Disorder is to the ears what dyslexia is to the eyes. CAPD affects the hearing system beyond the ear, preventing otherwise meaningful messages from being understood clearly.

The exact cause of CAPD is often unknown, yet it sometimes runs in families and could be the result of a head injury or severe illness.

It is common for individuals with CAPD to be misdiagnosed as having AD/HD (Attention Deficit Disorder) because the initial symptoms are similar. It is also common that CAPD can coexist with AD/HD.

Family Education Network
The Family Education Network provides a list of questions and answers concerning Central Auditory Processing Disorder and other educational issues.

National Coalition on Auditory Processing Disorders, Inc.
The National Coalition on Auditory Processing Disorders, Inc. provides resources to help families address issues associated with CAPD.

National Institute on Deafness
The National Institute on Deafness addresses CAPD along with other communication disorders.

Quiet Classrooms
This site is a great resource for teachers.  It discusses ideas on how to make the classroom more acoustically appealing for students with CAPD.

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Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. It is a spectrum disorder that affects each individual differently and in varying degrees. It occurs in approximately fifteen out of every 10,000 births and is four times more common in boys than girls. The causes of autism are still unknown.

Symptoms of Autism include:

  • Abnormal growth rate of physical, social and language skills
  • Atypical responses to sensations
  • Delayed speech and language
  • Abnormal ways of relating to people, objects, and events

Autism is treated through different behavioral methods and medications.

Autism Society of America
The Autism Society of America was founded in 1965 and supports over 20,000 member families dealing with issues associated with autism.

The Cure Autism Now (CAN) Foundation
The Cure Autism Now Foundation supports funding for research on autism.

Doug Flutie Foundation
The mission of this organization is to aid families who have autistic children and financial need.

Online Asperger Syndrome Information And Support
This article discusses teaching strategies and techniques for students with Asperger Syndrome.


Last Updated on 8/16/2017

Thursday, January 23, 2025