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Article: Guide To Education
Public Education
Table of Contents
- Teacher Education Requirements & Resources
- Funding Education
- Parents and School
- Private Education
- Public Education
- Life after High School
- Special Education
- Students
- Learning Disabilities
Most public school systems are made up of traditional schools, special schools, charter schools, and community or adult education schools.
Public Special Education
See Special Education
Charter Schools
A charter school is an elementary or secondary school that is publicly funded. Charter schools do not have to comply with many of the regulations that apply to traditional public schools. Each school is granted a charter that specifies how the school will be accountable for making sure that students are achieving. The school must also offer an education that is different from what currently exists in traditional public schools. Most charters for these schools are granted for three to five years depending on the state. Charters may also be renewed after expiration.
Some benefits of Charter Schools include:
An increase in a variety of opportunities for learning
Access to quality education for all students
Choice for parents and students within the public school system
A system of accountability for results in public education
A place where innovative teaching practices are encouraged
The creation of new professional opportunities for teachers
Community and parent involvement in public education
Adult Education
Public Adult Education, commonly called Community Schools, offers a wide variety of courses including subjects on:
Basic/Advanced elementary education
Secondary education (high school graduation requirements)
Adult Literacy
Homemaking and parenting
Community education
Naturalization training
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U.S. Department of Education
The U.S. Department of Education is an agency of the federal government that makes laws concerning education. The department works with the President in creating educational laws and policies. It handles all the funds that go toward education in the country. The goal of the department is a high quality education for all.
When Congress passed Public Law 96-88 in 1979, creating the Department, it declared these purposes:
To make sure that all had equal access to education
To help and support the efforts of the states in improving education
To encourage the increased involvement of the public, parents, and students in federal education programs
To improve education through research, evaluation, and sharing information
To improve how federal education programs are run
To improve the management of education and reduce paperwork
To increase the accountability of federal education programs
The U.S. Department of Education is divided into eight program offices which are:
The Office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students
The Office for Civil Rights
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Postsecondary Education
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Office of Federal Student Aid
Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education
U.S. Department of Education
This site is the official site of the U.S. Department of Education. From this homepage individuals can access the different offices and programs of the department. Also available on this site is educational research that has been done or is currently being conducted.
Last Updated on 8/16/2017