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Article: Guide To Education

Teacher Education Requirements & Resources

Table of Contents
  1. Teacher Education Requirements & Resources
  2. Funding Education
  3. Parents and School
  4. Private Education
  5. Public Education
  6. Life after High School
  7. Special Education
  8. Students
  9. Learning Disabilities

Teacher Training
Educational Issues


Every educator will come across students with disabilities throughout the course of his or her career. This means that general education teachers as well as special education teachers should be well versed in what curriculum is available for students who are disabled. They should also know how to make accommodations for these students.


DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and Technology)
This University of Washington site is a resource for persons with disabilities, their advocates, and educators. Learn about the many tools available to educators who are working with students who have special needs.

Education World
This site is a good resource for all teachers. This particular webpage features an article about how teachers can teach reading and writing skills to children with special needs.

SNOW (Special Needs Opportunity Window)
This website is sponsored by the University of Toronto. Teachers can find resources on strategies to use for students with special needs. Learn about basic organization and classroom routines, and how to teach students to study and organize their work.

Child Development Institute
The Child Development Institute offers classroom interventions for children with ADD and Learning Disabilities.

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Teacher Training

The resources listed below focus on two areas. One is training for individuals who would like to be teachers. The other area is professional development for those who are already teaching.

U.S. Department of Labor
The U.S. Department of Labor has a description of the training and qualifications necessary for Special Education Teachers on its website.

IRIS Center for Faculty Enhancement
The IRIS Center for Faculty Enhancement was designed in response to a request from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs. Hosted by the Peabody College at Vanderbilt University, the Center provides resources for education teachers, administrators, and others. Go to this website to learn about effective special education practices.

A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom
This site describes what a "quality teacher" is based on the No Child Left Behind Act.

TQ Source
TQ Source is a website developed especially for educators and educational researchers. On this site you can find and compare information on different schools, school districts, and even states. Salary information across the 50 states is also provided. This site serves as a great resource for current or prospective teachers.

Educational Issues


See Guide to Civil Rights: Education Rights

School Violence

Violence in the schools most often begins with students bullying other students. This affects students with disabilities, as they are often targets for this type of behavior. Understanding what a bully is and knowing how to resist bullying can help students who are victims of these attacks. Administrators, classroom teachers, and parents can help by introducing programs aimed at reducing school violence.

Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative
The Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative is a program designed to prevent violence and substance abuse in the nation's schools and communities.

National Mental Health Association (NMHA)

The National Mental Health Association provides resources for parents and educators on school violence.

Center for the Prevention of School Violence
The Center for the Prevention of School Violence is a "think tank" of sorts that seeks to understand the problems of school violence. It seeks to develop solutions to combat school violence.

ABC's of Bullying
Online courses dealing with the causes and effects of bullying are available for professionals who work with children. The CSAP Prevention Pathways provides online courses dealing with the cause and effects of bullying. The course also discusses different prevention techniques and programs.

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Last Updated on 8/16/2017

Thursday, January 23, 2025