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Article: Guide to Public Accommodations and Accessibility

Social Barriers

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction to Public Accommodations and Accessibility
  2. Accessible Design
  3. Communications
  4. Social Barriers


With the increase in disability awareness and sensitivity, communities are looking for resources to help with breaking down the social barriers for people with disabilities. This section discusses common attitudes and prejudices faced by people with disabilities. It also proposes solutions for creating a more inclusive society that is free of discrimination.


Despite many significant changes, it is important to recognize that some people still have negative stereotypes and misconceptions about people with disabilities. There are some individuals with disabilities who may even argue that having a disability is not a negative thing.

Having open communication with those who are disabled helps to breakdown negative attitudinal barriers. However, there are those who may feel uneasy because they do not know how to communicate with people who have disability. They may find it awkward to speak with someone who is sitting in a wheelchair when they are standing, or to try to communicate with someone who is deaf or hard of hearing.

Listed below are resources on how one can break down such negative attitudes.

Who Said Having a Disability is Negative?
This story relates one person's experience with having a disability.

Communicating with and About People with Disabilities
This site contains tips on how to communicate with people with disabilities.

Disability Etiquette Tips
This site offers tips that can help you with etiquette when interacting with people with disabilities.

Guidelines for Reporting and Writing about People with Disabilities
This site lists some guidelines for reporting and writing about people with disabilities.

Interacting with People with Disabilities
This site discusses changing attitudes, language as a tool in communicating with individuals with disabilities, awareness activities, and the importance of interaction.

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Despite the many legislative and social changes related to people with disabilities, some of the negative stereotypes and misconceptions still exist. Sometimes these attitudes are due to ignorance, pity, fear, or psychological discomfort.

Discrimination against People with Disabilities
This article talks about negative attitudes that can cause discrimination among individuals with disabilities.

Handling Discrimination
This site lists tips on how to handle discrimination.

Disability Discrimination
This webpage contains an article about what parks and recreation professions need to know in terms of disability discrimination. Much of the information presented here can pertain to any workplace and professional.

Where Prejudice, Disability and "Disablism" Meet
This paper talks about where prejudices come from and offers a brief explanation about how we can move beyond discrimination.


Last Updated on 1/22/2016

Monday, January 13, 2025