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Article: Guide To Housing


Table of Contents
  1. Housing
  2. Choices for Persons with a Disability
  3. Choices for Seniors and Elderly
  4. Home Ownership
  5. Reverse Mortgage
  6. Accessible Housing
  7. Renting a Home
  8. Long Term Care Facilities
  9. Housing Assistance
  10. Emergency Housing
  11. Moving

When it comes to finding a home, there is a wide variety of choices. This section will help you learn about available housing options and help you to make a choice that is right for you.

Each of the choices presented has a very different application process and owner or occupant responsibilities. Do not rule out an option just because you are uncertain or because it seems too complicated. There are many organizations available to help prepare you in making your decision. Note that some organizations make their money by placing you in one of their housing choices, so it is important to consider each option carefully before choosing the one that is best suited to fit your needs.

There are also many terms specific to housing that are not used consistently by supporting agencies. For example, one agency may advertise that they support "Group Homes". These "Group Homes" are sometimes called "Intermediate Care Facilities" or "Independent Living" services. Another agency may say that they are a "Retirement Home" and yet provide "Nursing Care" in one area of the facility, "Assisted Living" services in another, and "Supported Living" services throughout the facility.

Your choices can be very confusing, yet the Guide to Housing will help you get started and answer many questions. Use these resources to explore your options and find someone to contact for help!


Last Updated on 12/26/2017

Thursday, February 6, 2025