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Article: Guide To Transportation

Owning A Vehicle

Table of Contents
  1. Owning A Vehicle
  2. Renting a Vehicle
  3. Mobility Assistance Programs

Vehicle Modification
Getting a Driver's License
Obtaining a Person with a Disability Parking Permit


Vehicle Modification


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website provides the following general information for vehicle owners and for those who transport passengers with disabilities:

  • Evaluating your needs
  • Selecting the right vehicle
  • Choosing a qualified dealer to modify a vehicle
  • Obtaining training
  • Maintaining a vehicle
  • Cost savings
  • Licensing requirements
  • Organizations to contact for help

To get more information about safety issues for persons with disabilities, go to www.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/rules/adaptive/.

Getting a Driver's License

Here are some helpful tips to consider before getting a driver's license:

  • Complete a driver's evaluation at a major rehabilitation center, which is certified by the State Department of Motor Vehicles.
  • Consult a physician or physical therapist to see if you're physically and psychologically prepared for the driving experience.
  • At your driver evaluation program, utilize a vehicle with assistive steering devices that meet your specific needs.

After completing the driver education/evaluation program, a written test, eye test and a road test must be passed.

Obtaining a Person with a Disability Parking Permit

With a Person with a Disability Parking Permit, a vehicle can be parked in spaces designated for persons with disabilities. The permit must be displayed from the rear view mirror of the vehicle and the individual must have an identification card.

The placards or license plates are issued by each state, so requirements may differ.  Note that the person with the disability must be an occupant of the vehicle for the placard be used legally. The desgnation may be removed upon mis-use.  Also note that temporary placards may be issued which are valid for some period, often 6 months, following some surgeries and other temporary reasons.

To qualify for a Person with a Disability Parking Permit your doctor must certify that you are:

  • Unable to walk 200 feet
  • Unable to walk without a brace, cane, crutch or if you use a wheelchair
  • You have respiratory problems
  • You have a cardiac condition
  • You have lost a portion of a leg
  • You use a portable oxygen tank 

Last Updated on 5/20/2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2024