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Article: Local Information on Community-Based Living

Local Guide to Community-Based Living

Table of Contents
  1. Local Guide to Community-Based Living

Note: For more information regarding Community-Based Living, read the Guide to Community-Based Living

Case Management Services
Programs for the Elderly
Programs for People with Disabilities
Inclusive Programs/Activities
Adult Day Programs
Youth/After School Programs
Home and Community-Based Service (H&CBS) Programs
Self Advocacy
Service Animals

Case Management Services

Licensed Case Management Agencies across the State of Hawai`i
The Hawai`i Department of Human Services is responsible for licensing case management services for Medicaid waiver programs. Go to the Social Services Division and find the certified list of case mangers for all of the programs.

Hawai`i Case Management Agencies
The Hawai`i Psychiatric Medical Association has compiled a list of case management services agencies. Some agencies work specifically with individuals receiving Medicaid. However, there are other agencies that accept private pay individuals.

Agencies that Care About Older People, City and County of Honolulu
The Elderly Affairs Division of the City and County of Honolulu publishes a list of agencies that provide case management and other individualized services.

Hawai`i Association of Case Managers
The Hawai`i Association of Case Managers is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring quality case management for people in Hawai`i. This website offers a report called "Standards of Practice for Case Managers."

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Programs for the Elderly

Kupuna Care Program
The State of Hawai`i Executive Office on Aging launched the Kupuna Care Program for qualified citizens over 60 years of age. It provides many services for elderly persons. Services include assisted transportation, adult day programs, and case management services.

Long Term Care for the Elderly in Hawai`i
The Healthcare Association of Hawai`i hosts an online question and answer page on long-term care resources in Hawai`i. This site presents many alternatives to nursing care and identifies program and support resources for aging adults in Hawai`i.

Aloha Nursing & Rehab Centre
Aloha Nursing & Rehab Centre is a private organization located in Kaneohe. It provides daytime activities for older adults Monday through Friday.

Maui Adult Day Care Center
Maui Adult Day Care Center provides a safe and stimulating place for aging adults to socialize during the week. Transportation can be arranged.

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Programs for People with Disabilities

Hawai`i DD/MR Program
The DD/MR Program (Developmental Disabilities/Mentally Retarded) is a State of Hawai`i Department of Health Program designed to provide Home and Community-Based Services for people with developmental disabilities. Their website has information on the types of services available. You can also find contact information and eligibility requirements.

Center on Disability Studies
The Center on Disability Studies (CDS) is part of a nationwide network promoting excellence in disability research, services, and programs.

Very Special Arts Hawai`i
Very Special Arts Hawai`i (VSA Hawai`i) has several programs promoting the art and creativity of people with disabilities. VSA Hawai`i also sponsors educational programs that help to develop talented artists with disabilities.

State of Hawai`i Disability and Community Access Board: Training
The State of Hawai`i Disability and Community Access Board provides training programs on understanding the needs, rights, and concerns of people with disabilities within the State of Hawai`i.

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Inclusive Programs/Activities

Sea of Dreams
Sea of Dreams is a Hawai`i nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the education and inclusion of students with disabilities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). All of its programs are accessible and encourage student interest in STEM subjects.

Adult Day Programs

Adult Day Services Hawai`i
Adult Day Services Hawai`i is an association of day program providers across the State of Hawai`i. The members of this organization provide day programs for adults with disabilities or the elderly.

Youth/After School Programs

Hawai`i Youth Services Network
The Hawai`i Youth Services Network website provides information on services for children and youth in Hawai`i. Their effort to strengthen communities, results in the partnership and collaboration of youth service providers throughout the state.

Hawai`i Youth Services Network
The Hawai`i Youth Services Network webpage has a listing of agencies that serve youth. The list is organized by type of service.

Family Help in Hawai`i
Family Help in Hawai`i helps people find out about programs, supports, and services that are just for teens and their parents. Most of the services are not designed specifically for people with disabilities, however many of them are willing and able to include these teens in their programs.

Lanai Island Youth Connections
A directory of services provided for youth in Maui.

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Home and Community-Based Service (H&CBS) Programs

Adult and Community Care Service (ACCS)
The Adult and Community Care Services Branch (ACCSB) provides protective services for vulnerable dependent adults and home- and community-based services to prevent premature institutionalization of clients.

Hawai`i: Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly
The above document (in PDF format) provides information on PACE in Hawai`i.

Hawai`i: Developmental Disabilities/Mentally Retarded Program
This site of the Department of Human Service provides information about developmental disabilities / mentally retarded program listing included services and contact numbers in Oahu, Kauai, Maui, Lanai, Molokai, East Hawaii, and North Hawaii.

Hawai`i: Nursing Home without Walls
This site provides description, contact information, and program data on Nursing Home Without Walls program in Hawaii.

Easter Seals Hawai`i
Easter Seals Hawai`i provides services to thousands of children and adults with disabilities in the State of Hawai`i. The uniqueness of Easter Seals is that is provides services for people of all ages with a wide range of disabilities.

Arc in Hawai`i

Hilo Adult Day Care
The Arc in Hawai`i provides community-based services, day services and supports to approximately 200 individuals at various locations on Oahu. The Arc has branches in Honolulu (Diamond Head), Pearl City and Wahiawa.

Child and Family Service
Child and Family Service (CFS) is Hawai`i's most comprehensive, private human service organization with programs in all Hawai`i counties.

Helemano Plantation
Helemano Plantation is a unique community for persons with developmental disabilities. It offers training and employment opportunities in its work centers.

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Self Advocacy

The Hawai`i State Council on Developmental Disabilities
The Hawai`i State Council on Developmental Disabilities is a governor-appointed council that provides support and direction for issues affecting people with developmental disabilities.

The Arc in Hawai`i
The Arc in Hawai`i sponsors self-advocacy clubs for individuals with mental retardation. The clubs encourage members to become leaders in the community. Click the link below to learn more about the Arc Hawai`i and their self-advocacy clubs.

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Statewide Independent Living Council of Hawai`i

Statewide Independent Living Council of Hawai`i (SILCH)
This is the official site of the Statewide Independent Living Council of Hawai`i. On this site you will find information on the organization along with different projects that are currently in progress.

Hawai`i Centers for Independent Living
The Hawai`i Centers for Independent Living (HCIL) is part of a nationwide network of Independent Living Centers. Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1978 provided for consumer-controlled Centers for Independent Living. Since then Centers for Independent Living have emerged in every state. While they are each unique to the needs and concerns of their state and local areas, they are united in their dedication to providing a model of supporting people with disabilities.

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Service Animals

Hawai`i Canines for Independence
Hawai`i Canines for Independence is a local company that provides trained dogs to assist people with disabilities. It has information on guide dogs, hearing dogs, and therapy dogs. You can also find out how to apply for a service dog on their website.

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Last Updated on 11/21/2006

Thursday, December 26, 2024